
Staveley with Ings Young Persons Opportunity Scheme

The Staveley with Ings Young Persons Opportunity Scheme (SWIYPOS) is a fund designed to help with the cost of extracurricular activities for children and young people who due to limited financial means would otherwise miss out on these formative opportunities. The spirit of the scheme is to provide small amounts of money to fund either a musical instrument, piece of kit, excursion contributions, initial subs or lessons for a range of out-of-school activities. The scheme is aimed at children and young persons who live within families at the lower end of the income and wealth scale.

Who is eligible? Anyone under the age of 18 and living within the boundaries of the Parish of Staveley with Ings.

Who can apply? The young person receiving the funds apply themselves or a parent, teacher or club leader can apply on their behalf.

How much can be applied for? Sums up to £100 per year can be applied for per applicant.

What can be applied for? Anything that may benefit the child or young person. Examples include: the purchase of a musical instrument for use in lessons or a club. Purchase of sports equipment for taking part in an organised club. Subs or uniforms for scouting and guiding. Initial session or lesson fees to try out a new activity etc.

What are the criteria? Applicants should be from a family which has a household income of 60% or less of the median UK income (this equates to £17,628 for 2020 or a disposable income of less than £150 per week after housing costs).

Who administers the scheme? Staveley with Ings Parish Council is responsible for running this scheme. The scheme is funded from donations. A panel of 3 appointees receive and decide on applications. These 3 panel members have signed a strict code of conduct which ensures the confidentiality of applicants and awards given.

Is the scheme anonymous? Yes. Applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. If a decision is made to award money no public announcement will be made to identify the recipient(s). Only those who specifically request to not be anonymous can be used to publicise and fundraise for the scheme.

Who can the money be paid to? The money will be paid by cheque. It can be paid directly to a club or society etc. or direct to the applicant or their parents.

When? The awarding panel meets approximately once a month and successful awards of money are sent out soon after.

How to apply? Please complete the application form and send it to the Parish Clerk at the address on the form or email to

Click Here for the application form